Kona Fruits and Nuts is a family-owned business founded in 2021 by partners Agricola Huillinco and Agricola Tuman agricultural companies, with the aim of exporting fresh fruit and nuts produced throughout Chile
The main focus of the company is to offer a wide range of high-quality fruits and nuts throughout the year, positioning ourselves as an export company, which is also a grower and packer, thereby ensuring the value chain, production and quality.
Huillinco Farms, under the same ownership as Kona, provides its produce. It's orchards are composed of 250 hectares of walnuts, 37 hectares of cherries, 86 hectares of sweet citrus and 30 hectares of pistachios, planted throughout four producing units from the Region of Atacama to the Metropolitan Region.
We are currently developing two processing plants for walnuts, each with an approximate area of 6,000 m2, located in the Metropolitan Region and the Maule Region.
Global Gap has certified our walnut orchard has been certified for the second year in a row.
To date the business as the following plantations executed and in development:
Walnuts: 250 hectares (90% Chandler y 10% Cisco varieties).
Pistachios: 30 hectares (83% Sirora y 17% Red Alepo varieties).
Cherries: 37 hectares (100% Santina variety) in development.
Oranges: 25 hectares (100% Caracara variety) in development.
Clementines: 75 hectares (Oronules 25%, Orogrande 50%, Clemenules 25%) in development.
En abril del 2021 tuvimos nuestra segunda cosecha comercial de nueces, con una producción total de 475 toneladas métricas de nueces con cáscaras y secas, y esperamos llegar a 1.850 toneladas métricas el año 2025.
Regarding the pistachios, we will have our first commercial harvest in 2022, in which we plan to harvest 5.6 metric tons, reaching 150 metric tons in 2028.
The cherries will be planted during 2020, we plan for a total production of 30 metric tons in 2023, to reach a total production of 504 metric tons in 2026.
Tanto las naranjas como las clementinas serán plantadas en septiembre de 2021, para entrar en producción el año 2024. En el primer año de cosecha de las clementinas, esperamos tener un volumen de 230 toneladas métricas, llegando a 3.00 toneladas métricas en el año 2028. En cuanto a las naranjas Caracara, esperamos tener un volumen de 76 toneladas métricas, llegando a 1.250 toneladas métricas en el año 2028
To be the most sustainable fruit and nut provider, with the best service and the highest quality for our customers in Chile and the world.

Javier del Río